阳光房也称为玻璃房,外文名:winter garden。阳光房采用玻璃与金属框架搭建的全明非传统建筑,以达到享受阳光,亲近自然的目的。阳光房是国内外追求自然、时尚人士所推崇的建筑。阳光房是广泛在华北地区上海地区研究的胜利实业需要根据场所使用需求以及个人爱好进行设计和建造,室内布置可以根据个人喜好进行装饰。阳台或露台阳光房,处于整套居室内,因此视觉连性非常重要。需要考虑其与建筑整体风格要相符,同时整体色调尽量保持一致。
扭王块模具 高铁遮板模具 阶梯护坡模具 拱形护坡模具 卵形槽模具 保定室内设计培训 保定平面设计培训
Sunshine room is also known as glass room, foreign name: winter garden. The sunshine room is a non-traditional building built with glass and metal frame, so as to enjoy the sunshine and get close to nature. Sunshine house is a building respected by people who pursue nature and fashion at home and abroad. Sunshine house is a victory industry widely studied in North China and Shanghai. It needs to be designed and built according to the use needs of the place and personal hobbies. The indoor layout can be decorated according to personal preferences. Balcony or terrace sunshine room is located in the whole room, so visual connectivity is very important. It needs to be considered that it should be consistent with the overall style of the building, and the overall tone should be consistent as far as possible.