





Doors and windows are one of the important peripheral protective structures of buildings, serving functions such as wind and rain protection, insulation, sound insulation, lighting, and ventilation. With the improvement of people's living standards, the requirements for doors and windows in decoration are becoming higher and higher. As a widely used and widely used product, doors and windows have broad market prospects due to their unique advantages. Under the premise of leveraging its own advantages and improving the problems encountered during use, new high-performance doors and windows have begun to enter the sight of consumers.
High performance doors and windows mainly refer to the "three properties" performance, namely: wind pressure resistance, air tightness, and water tightness. At the same time, it has good insulation and sound insulation performance, and some also require intelligent functions. The development of high-performance doors and windows is mainly reflected in the following points:
The internal quality of profiles and their reasonable structural design are the prerequisites for manufacturing high-performance windows. Firstly, qualified profiles provided by legitimate manufacturers and advanced production processes are necessary to ensure the quality of high-performance doors and windows. In addition, the wall thickness and structure of the profile are also crucial, as the wall thickness directly affects its strength. A reasonable structure can not only play a better role in thermal insulation, but also enable different cavities to have different uses.
在门窗中,玻璃是关键的主材之一,中空玻璃是高性能门窗的主体玻璃之一,优点是非常明显的,其良好的隔热效果,可以降低建筑物的能耗,节约能源,同时家庄电动伸缩门 保定桌椅  保定水处理设备 河北机械加工  保定养老院  保定防水具有良好的隔音效果。夹层玻璃是在玻璃之间夹上坚韧的PVB胶膜,经高温高压加工制成,其安全性、抗震能力、隔音性、防紫外线等综合优点是其它玻璃不具备的,是真正意义上的安全玻璃。而低辐射镀膜和防爆玻璃在以上玻璃的基础上又进一步升级。
In doors and windows, glass is one of the key main materials, and hollow glass is one of the main glass of high-performance doors and windows. Its advantages are very obvious, and its good insulation effect can reduce building energy consumption, save energy, and have good sound insulation effect. Laminated glass is made by placing a tough PVB adhesive film between the glass and processing it under high temperature and pressure. Its comprehensive advantages such as safety, seismic resistance, sound insulation, and UV protection are not possessed by other glass, making it a true safety glass. And the low radiation coating and explosion-proof glass are further upgraded on the basis of the above glass.


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